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Liposuction | Morea Plastic Surgery | Raleigh, NC

Liposuction has become exceedingly popular due to its remarkable ability to correct areas of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Healthy, fit men and women desiring liposuction in Raleigh, N.C. can permanently reshape and refine their trouble spots and attain the shape they desire. Thousands of patients have entrusted Dr. Christopher Morea and his talented staff at Morea Plastic Surgery Center to sculpt their bodies and enhance their confidence through liposuction.

Liposuction is a contouring procedure which removes unwanted excess fat from specific areas of the body, especially the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees and upper arms. Liposuction is not a weight loss method but rather a body contouring technique. It is a safe, effective way to achieve a sleeker shape that is in greater harmony with the rest of your body.

Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures at Morea Plastic Surgery Center of North Raleigh. Although there are several different methods of liposuction, Dr. Morea prefers the tumescent technique for more precise and dramatic results. All liposuction procedures are performed in our fully accredited AAAASF certified operating suite using either heavy IV sedation or general anesthesia. Dr. Morea will begin making small incisions and injecting the fat with an anesthetic solution which improves comfort and minimizes bleeding. A specialized hollow tube called a cannula is inserted to break up and suction out the excess fat. Immediately following your liposuction, you will be placed in a compression garment to control swelling, minimize bruising and provide additional comfort. You will be advised to wear this garment for several weeks following liposuction in order to achieve optimal results.

Our patients see a noticeable difference in the shape of their body within one to two weeks after surgery. Once fat cells are removed, they should not return, but it is important to note that liposuction does not remove all of the fat cells in any given area. A large weight gain after liposuction can affect the results of your liposuction. Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising will provide long lasting results from your liposuction surgery.

During your first consultation at Morea Plastic Surgery in Raleigh, N.C., you will meet personally with Dr. Morea to discuss your liposuction areas of concern. He will examine you and help you determine which liposuction procedure is best for you.
Dr. Morea will give you a person tour of his North Raleigh plastic surgery center. At the end of your consultation, you will be given a quote for the exact cost of the liposuction procedure designed for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks and complications involved with having liposuction?

As with any surgery, there are risks involved. Some possible risks associated with liposuction are contour irregularities, dimpling, bruising and numbness. However, choosing an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon to perform your surgery minimizes the chances of complications.

Is the fat removal with liposuction permanent?

Adults have a fixed number of fat cells, some of which are permanently removed by liposuction of a particular area. The remaining fat cells can grow larger and other areas where liposuction was not performed can grow larger. Maintaining your weight through diet and exercise is the easiest way to preserve your liposuction results.

How long before I will see results?

The new body shape begins to emerge immediately, however, it normally takes three to six months for all of the swelling to resolve.

Is liposuction a replacement for diet and exercise?

Liposuction is an excellent way to contour the body, but is most effective on localized area of fat. It is not a replacement for diet and exercise.

Who are the best candidates for liposuction?

Healthy patients with localized deposits of fat and good skin elasticity are generally the best candidates for liposuction.

Ask a Question about Liposuction

7700 Lead Mine Road
Raleigh, North Carolina 27615

Monday - Thursday
8:00am to 4:00pm Monday
Closed Friday

Phone: (919) 845-7880
Fax: (919) 845-7831
